DieselBoss gladly accepts reciprocal links from relevant, well-done web sites.  As our website draws a large, very targeted trucking audience we thrive on customer loyalty and trust.  We absolutely will NOT violate our drivers confidence in us and will not accept links that are not relevant or that are found to be "spamming" our users. Please apply for a free reciprocal link after reviewing the following:

(Please read these conditions! (Your link will not be processed if your site does NOT meet these rules)
We kindly request that your site: 

blue Be related to Trucking and/or provide a useful product or service to Truckers. Porn and gambling sites NOT considered.
blue Be well-written and "content rich" without broken links, excessive pop-ups, or contain illegal material
blue Your link to us must be on your main index page or a sub-page that is not deeply buried several pages deep in your site.
blue Your link to us must be on a page inside of your domain and not from a different domain than the one we are linking to.
red Your links page cannot be a "link-farm" or consist of solely a list of unrelated links.
red Your site cannot be comprised largely of pay-per-click ads of unrelated content.
red Your domain and link page on which the link back to us already resides before sending this form cannot have a Google page-rank of zero (or no page rank at all) and your links page must be in the Google index.
red Your site cannot be selling a competing product or service to Dieselboss.com

blue Exception!:  Non-commercial personal driver sites do not have to necessarily meet these conditions.

STEP 1:  Please create a text or banner link back to us from your domain using the text to the right or, if you prefer to use a banner, please copy one of the banners to the right and link it to our domain (https://www.dieselboss.com)

DieselBoss truck dash camera systems - daily fuel prices, truck stops, laptop mounts, rest areas and weigh stations, trucker GPS and mapping programs, daily log software, and total resources for the OTR truck driver.

OR (banner 1)

DieselBoss Internet Truckstop

OR banner 2

Dieselboss Internet Truckstop and trucker resources  

STEP 2:  Please fill out the fields below and click "Submit."  We will reply to your link submission promptly.  Thanks!
* denotes that this is a required field
 Note:  This form is for submitting your site to be on one of our free links pages.  Premium placement on our more high-visibility and high-traffic pages can be purchased by calling 866-851-2346